

Resources and Articles

Displaying 1 - 10 of 24

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Date Title Author Topic
06/30/15 Homosexual Marriage Reynaldo Rodriguez Christ and Culture A_Few_Thoughts.docx
12/01/11 Preachers Need Patience Shane Scott Preaching with Purpose
12/01/11 Preachers and Sin Shane Scott Preaching with Purpose
12/01/11 Big League Preachers Shane Scott Preaching with Purpose
12/01/11 The Battle Plan of a Sermon Shane Scott Preaching with Purpose
12/01/11 What Is A “Restoration Movement”? Shane Scott Undenominational Christianity
12/01/11 Restoration: A Historical Example Shane Scott Undenominational Christianity
12/01/11 Mistakes Restorationists Can Make Shane Scott Undenominational Christianity
12/01/11 The Constitutional Right to Sodomy? Shane Scott Christ and Culture
12/01/11 A Thankful Preacher Shane Scott Preaching with Purpose

Displaying 1 - 10 of 24

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