

Resources and Articles

Displaying 11 - 20 of 24

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Date Title Author Topic
12/01/11 The Disaster of Relativism Shane Scott Foundations for Faith
12/01/11 The Church Shane Scott Undenominational Christianity
12/01/11 Are You Awake? Shane Scott Living for Christ
12/01/11 The Challenges of Going to College Shane Scott Living for Christ
12/01/11 Andrew: Humble Evangelist Shane Scott Living for Christ
12/01/11 Two Are Better Than One: The Blessing of Marriage Shane Scott Living for Christ
12/01/11 I Want to Be Like Christ Shane Scott Living for Christ
11/29/11 The Battle of Armageddon Shane Scott Millenialism
11/29/11 The Millienaial Mistake Shane Scott Millenialism
11/29/11 Once Saved, Always Saved? Shane Scott Calvinism

Displaying 11 - 20 of 24

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